
This blog contains my game ideas for Tafe. It will show the design process of the game through model and level screen shots, which will be followed by a short description. This blog will also include a short introduction of the game background and character characteristics. Target audience is teenagers aged 15+

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Game Ideas/Updates

My game is currently set in medieval times. Characters can use magic, swords, axes, etc.

Environments will mostly be ruins, temples, forests and a town for the player to get quests and side quests.

Player can access shops in which they can buy health/mana potions, weapons and outfits.

The player can explore their environments or go straight into the story and ignore small details all together. So, simply put, its a Sandbox game.

Okay, I changed my idea from being set in medieval times to being set in a modern yet futuristic city. Environments include the city, like Brooklyn, New York. Pretty much anything that's in America.

The Player is still stuck in a sandbox environment and can still access shops to buy things they may need.

Guns are the main weapons, so the player must stock up on ammo. Swords, blades, daggers (pretty much in the same category) are also used and the main character can use abilities such as pulse to push back enemies.

Player can choose to upgrade weapons and/or abilities in anyway they wish. So pretty much Fable 2 without the upgrades.

In the first level, instead of the gameplay being in 3rd person view, it will be in first person. This may or may not change in the future, depending on how construction progresses. So far the player will still need to find a keycard, in the offices or on an enemy.

The level will now be played in first person view. The player may be able to knock out the enemies with already set eqiupment. How the elevator doors will work has yet to be decided.

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